Pt. Deen Dayal Education Group
Pt. Deen Dayal - Yog Sansthan Pt. Deen Dayal - Early Teachers Training & Education Pt. Deen Dayal - College of Vocational Training Pt. Deen Dayal - College of Computer Science


Please fill this form for Online CO-ORDINATOR. Fields mark with (*) are mandatory fields.

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Subject : Application for Co-ordinatorship

Registration Details | पंजीयन का विवरण
Institutions Owner Details | संस्था के मालिक का विवरण
College/Institution Details | कॉलेज / संस्थान का विवरण
Computer Courses
Vocational Courses
Yoga Courses


The Chairman/Secretary
Pt. Deen Dayal Education Group

I/Shri __________    Father’s Name __________
Age _________    Resident of ______________
Distt __________  Pin _________    Phone No. __________

Declare as Under:
1. Our Institute will work as an Authorized study centre of PDEG, New Delhi.
2. All the Admission/ Examination documents collected from the organization will b e kept safely/ confidentially by me & its will be my responsibility for its timely distribution in the centre. 3. That our institute will work according to the rules & regulation of the organization & I agree with all the rules & regulation of the organization.
4. In no circumstances the enrollment number or exam result will be asked for in the even of the does n ot being paid to the PDEG, New Delhi.
5. In any case I will not received Examination Fees in cash from students and examination Fees will be excepted by Banker’s Cheque in favor of “Pt. Deen Dayal Education Group”.
6. All The Courses Run By PDEG are Valid For Self Employment. That I/We have read and understood the rules & regulation of the Organization and only after complete Satisfaction, this declaration is being made, which may be used for legal purposes whenever required. In the event of an dispute will be settled by the committee appointed by the PT. DEEN DAYAL EDUCATION GROUP under the provisions of the Indian Attribution Act 1940 and its decision will be binding on all concerned & I/ We will Liable to all the expense.

Therefore, I/We ___________ declare that time the information Furnished in the form for Establishment of centre are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and will remain in force and binding on me and my successor for the Center’s association with the organization.

On behalf of the educational agency managing __________ I ___________ Son/Daugther of ______________ do hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am prepared to undergo any punishment imposed on me if any of the particulars furnished are found to be false and misleading. I also further declare that I shall abide by the conditions rules and regulative measures imposed by the DDEG from time to time for granting permission/affiliation to establish and run this institution.

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Upload Govt. ID.
Signature of Centre’s Head